To understand "inclusion," you must start with the meaning of "exclusion." It is essential to know that inclusive solutions benefit a much broader range of users, and the costs of making an existing project accessible are higher than designing it inclusively from the start.

The special guest was Dr. Arch. Iris Popescu, founder and president of the AMAIS association, an architect specialized in inclusive design and accessibility. We discussed the needs of people with disabilities and the solutions available.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Inclusive Workspaces Design - Inclusive workspaces cater to the needs of people with various abilities and disabilities. They focus on providing equal access to physical spaces, information, and communication tools, ensuring that no employee is excluded due to environmental or design limitations.

  • Accessibility in Architecture and Technology - This includes adapting physical spaces (ramps, elevators, signage) and digital platforms (accessible websites and apps) to meet the diverse needs of users. Inclusive design can also improve employee satisfaction and productivity across the board.

  • Principles of Inclusive Design - Design should accommodate the needs of all potential users. This means creating flexible spaces and tools that can adapt to various needs without requiring additional adjustments, following the principle of "design for one, extend to many."

  • Case Study: Ghidul de Angajare a Nevăzătorilor - The study explored how employers can support visually impaired individuals by offering job opportunities that suit their capabilities and adapting the work environment to ensure inclusivity.

About the guest speaker

Iris Popescu | Founder & President of the AMAIS association

Architect specialized in inclusive design and accessibility.

Devino membru

SustainAbility School este un program de educație dedicat exclusiv angajaților din organizațiile membre ale Ambasadei Sustenabilității în România prin programul Coaliția România Sustenabilă.

Dacă ești angajatul unuia dintre membri poți obține parola de la persoana de contact a organizației tale în cadrul Coaliției.

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