The world is changing, and so is the way we’ve been taught to think, act, or grow our businesses. Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword or an opportunity for a competitive advantage, but increasingly a requirement to integrate into the business model, to consider in financing and procurement decisions, and even to analyze, measure, and report transparently, for an increasing number of companies (around 50,000 across the EU, starting January 1, 2024).

Aligned with the growing interest of investors in sustainable financing, new tools are also being developed in the capital markets as an alternative to traditional financing, making it increasingly complicated for decision-makers to understand and easily choose what suits them best.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Global and Regional Context of sustainable finance: Sustainable finance is becoming mainstream globally, supported by frameworks such as the UN's 2030 Agenda, OECD policies, and the EU's Green Deal, A shift from voluntary to mandatory sustainability disclosures is evident, with increasing pressure from investors, rating agencies, and consumers;

  • Link Between Finance and Sustainability: Financial decisions are increasingly aligned with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles, focusing on long-term sustainability, ESG considerations influence profitability, with sustainable businesses likely to have better financial prospects;

  • Sustainable Financial Instruments: Diverse instruments include Green Bonds, Social Bonds, and Sustainability-Linked Bonds, each with specific criteria and reporting standards, Funds must be exclusively used for eligible projects, with detailed reporting to prevent greenwashing;

  • National Context and Case Study: Sustainable finance is relatively new in some markets, such as Romania, where corporate bonds are the primary instrument, The case study of Autonom shows a progressive approach to sustainability, with investments in low-emission vehicles and sustainability-linked bonds;

  • Practical Lessons for Sustainable Transformation: Businesses should seek specialized support and remain adaptable while understanding the long-term impact of their actions, Partnerships and adherence to international sustainability goals, like the SDGs, are crucial for credibility and progress in sustainability efforts;

About the guest speaker

Magdalena Caramilea is the Sustainability Director at Autonom, with main responsibilities in the sustainable development of the company, non-financial reporting, and scenario planning, while being actively involved in communication with investors and raising awareness about environmental and societal impact among colleagues and business partners.

A proponent of sustainability in both daily life and business, Magdalena is passionate about people and nature, using travel as a way to understand the world and engage in various humanitarian projects.

She joined Autonom's team 5 years ago following the acquisition of the operational leasing division of Banca Transilvania (BT Operational Leasing), where she held the role of Risk Control and Reporting Director. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics, and Economic Forecasting at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and holds a master’s degree in Finance, Banking, and Stock Exchanges.

With "Evolve daily" as her core value and continuous learning process, Magdalena has pursued various national and international training systems in recent years, including a "Financial Markets" program at Yale University, a "Fast Track MBA" at BISM (Bucharest International School of Management), and the "Corporate Governance that Creates Value" program developed by ENVISIA Boards of Elite in partnership with BVB (in progress).

She is currently certified as an INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS® Specialist, a specialization complemented by other specific programs, such as Green, Social, and Sustainable Bonds under the IFC Green Bond Technical Assistance Program (GB-TAP), Rotterdam School of Management, or GRI Reporting and Standards.

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