Although measuring impact may seem like a final step that concludes the implementation of a program or project, in reality, it has its roots in the initial discussions during which the project crystallizes.

An important aspect of managing community engagement programs is evaluating the impact of projects, especially through the LBG (London Benchmarking Group) methodology and SROI (Social Return on Investment). These can also be complemented by qualitative methodologies, which, although more labor-intensive, have a greater ability to capture change.

LBG and Social Value are among the most commonly used impact reporting tools by companies and are valued for their simple presentation and broad applicability to projects in various areas of community engagement.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Complexity of Social Change: Social change is incremental and interdependent, with no universal solutions. Effective interventions often involve local actors for sustainable impact;

  • Theory of Change: Identifying the root causes of social issues (T0) and creating a targeted theory of change helps set realistic goals and desired outcomes;

  • Three Levels of Influence: Social project influence can be categorized by control (direct organizational activities), influence (community partners), and interest (broader societal areas of impact);

  • Importance of Evaluation: Continuous tracking with relevant indicators (behavior, knowledge, actions) is crucial, even post-project, to understand the depth of changes;

  • Impact Measurement Tools: Outcome Mapping: Identifies changes based on partner contributions, LBG Model: Tracks inputs, outputs, and impacts, providing insights into business and community benefits, Social Return on Investment (SROI): Assigns a monetary value to non-financial outcomes for cost-benefit analysis, while emphasizing stakeholder involvement, Qualitative Tools: Documenting interviews, focus groups, and surveys helps capture diverse social changes;

  • Challenges in Measurement: Evaluating only immediate results or focusing solely on financial metrics can limit long-term insights and harm transparency with stakeholders;

  • Recommendations: Invest in measuring tools and resources that align with community needs, Engage stakeholders from the planning phase for more relevant data and sustainable outcomes;

About the guest speaker

Ioana Szatmari is a sustainability specialist, CSR initiatives coordinator, and part of the grant-making team at the Association for Community Relations.

Over time, Ioana Szatmari has been involved in several consultancy projects related to sustainability strategies, non-financial reporting, and the management of social engagement programs.

As part of her work in the department, Ioana has been involved in managing funding programs such as the Life for Newborns Fund of the Vodafone Romania Foundation, the BRAVoluntar Program of the OMV Petrom Foundation, the funding program for preventing violence against women and children in the Republic of Moldova of the OAK Foundation, the “World through Color and Sound” Fund of the Orange Romania Foundation, and many others.

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