The world is in a constant state of change, and sustainability is becoming the new norm. Organizations, regardless of their size, must transition to new business models in order to survive and grow. People are at the heart of this transition. A company’s level of sustainability cannot be significantly improved solely through procedures and decisions made by top management. The sustainability of a company depends directly on the decisions made by all its employees.

Aglaia Ntili, Managing Director of the Sustainability Knowledge Group, spoke about how the anthropocentric nature of human resources (HR) contributes to integrating sustainable development practices within organizations. We discussed the role of HR directors in embedding sustainability, mobilizing employees to achieve organizational goals, and how HR professionals can enhance the resilience and competitiveness of companies. We also explored challenges, opportunities, trends, and best practices for integrating human resources into sustainable organizational management.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • HR’s Role in Sustainability - HR drives sustainability on personal, organizational, and societal levels. Expands from traditional roles to embedding sustainability in recruitment, culture, and leadership.

  • Key Challenges - Limited integration of sustainability in HR policies, metrics, and committees. Gap between organizational sustainability goals and practical implementation.

  • Trends in Sustainability - Rising demand for ESG-aligned leadership and talent. Millennials and Gen Z prioritize ethical, sustainable employers. Remote work and mental health are now central to employee retention.

  • Best Practices - Embed sustainability in job descriptions, KPIs, and leadership roles. Use standards like GRI and UN Global Compact for guidance. Build ethical, transparent workplace cultures. Leverage tools like gamification and stakeholder engagement.

  • Future Focus for HR - Educate HR teams on sustainability integration. Align sustainability with all HR functions: recruitment, onboarding, and performance. Develop leaders who champion sustainability. Commit to ongoing improvement and transparent reporting.

About the guest speaker

Aglaia Ntili | Managing Director

Sustainability Knowledge Group

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