Agenda 2030 represents the United Nations' action plan for people, the planet, and their prosperity. Adopted on September 25, 2015, it sets 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by all countries and stakeholders.

The Sustainable Development Goals aim, among other things, to accelerate social inclusion, economic prosperity, and societal development without jeopardizing the environment. Data collection and the creation of statistics are essential for each country to identify its priorities, track its commitments, and assess its progress.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Report is an annual publication that brings together up-to-date data and statistics on the status of the achievement of the SDGs globally, all presented in an easily understandable format for all categories of stakeholders. The latest report is available at this link.

According to the latest United Nations report, the crises that have cascaded through humanity in recent years have put Agenda 2030 in great danger, and with it, the survival of humanity. The report emphasizes the severity and magnitude of the challenges we face. The confluence of crises, dominated by COVID-19, climate change, and armed conflicts, is impacting food security, health, education, the environment, peace, and security, affecting all SDGs. The report details how years of efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, improve health and education, and provide basic services have been reversed. Additionally, the report outlines the areas that need immediate action to save the SDGs and make real progress for people and the planet by 2030.

In the webinar hosted by Grayson Fuller and Leslie Bermont Díaz, part of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), we discovered the key messages from the UN 2022 report, as well as the main areas where Romania can improve its performance.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Overview of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN): Launched in 2012 under the United Nations, the SDSN supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate initiatives worldwide, with a network of 1,700+ members across 143 countries;

  • Sustainable Development Report (SDR) as a Tool for Policymakers: The SDR serves as an essential resource for policymakers, monitoring national progress on the SDGs, identifying data gaps, and encouraging investment in national statistical systems to strengthen data availability and accuracy;

  • Regional and Subnational Reports: The SDR complements global reporting by offering regional editions that address local development challenges, allowing for a more nuanced analysis of territorial disparities and local priorities;

  • Data Sources and Methodology: Approximately two-thirds of the report’s data come from official statistics (e.g., WHO, UNESCO), while the remaining data are sourced from peer-reviewed publications and NGOs, filling gaps in areas like imported CO₂ emissions. The methodology is peer-reviewed, statistically robust, and yields meaningful conclusions;

  • Romania’s SDG Performance: Romania’s SDG performance has improved over time, with significant gains until COVID-19, after which progress slowed. Despite this, Romania performs well compared to other upper-middle-income countries, but areas like unemployment and education rates indicate ongoing challenges;

About the guest speakers

Leslie Bermont Díaz is an economist at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). She is responsible for calculating and analyzing indicators and indices to support progress toward the SDGs and works on financing projects for the SDGs. She holds a PhD in Economics from Université Paris-Dauphine PSL, specializing in food security and nutrition issues. Prior to her PhD, Leslie worked as a policy analyst at the OECD, focusing on urban resilience and energy efficiency.
Grayson Fuller is a Senior Data Analyst at SDSN, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He collects, codes, and analyzes data for the Sustainable Development Report. Additionally, he coordinates the preparation of regional and sub-national monitoring reports. Grayson holds a Master's in Economic Development from Science Po, Paris, and a Bachelor’s in Latin American Studies from Harvard University. He has lived in several Latin American countries and is fluent in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian.
Sustainable Development Solutions Network este un organism al Națiunilor Unite care operează din 2012 sub auspiciile Secretariatului General al ONU. SDSN mobilizează expertiza științifică și tehnologică din toată lumea pentru a promova soluții practice de dezvoltare sustenabilă, inclusiv implementarea Obiectivelor de Dezvoltare Durabilă și Acordul de la Paris privind schimbările climatice.

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