The COVID crisis has heightened concerns about climate change and emphasized the importance of increasing sustainability and environmental protection. Decarbonizing the economy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting renewable energy are now top priorities for governments and companies worldwide.

For Romania's economic decarbonization strategy to succeed, experts believe that all stakeholders, both in the private and public sectors, must take immediate action. Another critical aspect is the capacity for renewable energy production and how it will be integrated into the national transportation system.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Global Priorities: Decarbonizing the economy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting renewable energy are now essential goals for governments and companies worldwide.

  • Romania's Economic Decarbonization Strategy: Success depends on immediate and coordinated action from both private and public sectors. Integrating renewable energy into the national transportation system is critical to achieving sustainability goals.

  • European and International Context: A deep dive into the global shift toward green and clean energy, including policies and trends driving the energy transition.

  • Romania's Positioning: Examination of the country's strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities in the energy transition.

  • Private Sector's Role: Understanding how private companies can contribute to decarbonization and sustainability efforts. Insights into accelerating the energy transition through innovative solutions and partnerships.

  • Economic Paradigm Shift: The energy transition introduces a new economic framework, emphasizing collaboration, innovation, and long-term resilience.

  • Integration and Sustainability Goals: Exploring renewable energy capacity and its integration with infrastructure, especially the transportation network. Highlighting how Romania can leverage renewable energy for a competitive edge while achieving sustainability milestones.

About the guest speaker

Răzvan Nicolescu

President of the Association for Clean Energy and Climate Change Mitigation

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