We know that 22.2% of children in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, only 1 in 4 children feels that their rights are respected in society, half of the children globally are victims of violence every year, and 60% of Roma children suffer from severe material deprivation. These figures should not only raise alarms but also serve as a clear call to action to make children a priority in a concrete, deliberate, and meaningful way.

In Romania, the situation is dire. At the end of last year, 1.38 million children were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and half of them live in extreme poverty.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • The EU Child Guarantee: This initiative aims to prevent social exclusion by ensuring vulnerable children across the EU have access to essential services like education, healthcare, housing, and healthy meals.

  • Romania's Child Poverty Challenge: With 41.5% of children at risk of poverty, the highest in the EU, Romania relies on the EU Child Guarantee to invest in education, healthcare, and social services to tackle these issues.

  • Strategic Social Investments: Targeted investments, particularly through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), aim to reduce child poverty by improving access to essential services, supported by public-private partnerships and European funds like FSE+ and InvestEU.

  • Holistic Partnership Approach: The initiative promotes cooperation between the public and private sectors, integrating education, social services, and healthcare to ensure no child is left behind, in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights.

  • Early Childhood Intervention: Emphasizing early intervention, the program focuses on quality preschool education, healthcare, and nutrition to prevent long-term social exclusion and unemployment.

About the guest speaker

Dragoș Pîslaru Dragoș Pîslaru is an economist by profession, holding a PhD in Economics from the National Institute for Economic Research (INCE) of the Romanian Academy, a Master's degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom, and a Bachelor's degree in Global Economy from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies - International Economic Relations.

He founded and led the think tank Group of Applied Economics (2004-2007) and later GEA Strategy & Consulting (2007-2015) as Executive Director and General Manager, respectively. As an entrepreneur, he built one of the best domestic teams in strategic development consulting, carrying out projects for international organizations, central and local public administration, and the private sector.

In May 2019, he was elected a Member of the European Parliament on the USR list, becoming a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC). He served as co-rapporteur of the European Parliament for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the most ambitious recovery program in the European Union's recent history.

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