The 13th edition of the SustainAbility School was dedicated to early childhood education and creating an equitable and inclusive education system.

We spoke with Ioana Grindean, advocacy coordinator at the Step by Step Center, about the importance of investing in education. Her work has contributed to the successful adoption of essential measures supporting early education, including:

Law 201/2018, which provides funding for early education services from the Ministry of Education’s budget; Law 56/2019, which gradually mandates kindergarten attendance; Law 239/2020, which introduces tax credits for early education services and incentives for companies investing in dual university and pre-university education.

By attending this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Early Education as an Investment: Early childhood education offers a 13:1 ROI, driving long-term economic and social benefits.

  • Corporate Role in Childcare: Providing childcare boosts employee retention, productivity, and satisfaction, with financial incentives available through Law 239/2020.

  • Societal Impact: Quality early education leads to healthier, more educated adults, reducing future societal costs in unemployment and healthcare.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between sectors expand access and improve the quality of early education, benefiting businesses and communities alike.

  • Integration into Business and Community Strategies: Childcare is a business issue, enhancing recruitment and retention, and should be part of broader community development plans.

About the guest speaker

Ioana Grindean, Director Advocacy, Step by Step Center

Since 1993, she has built extensive experience in public relations and media activities nationally and internationally. By 2001, her expertise expanded to encompass Integrated Marketing and Communication, focusing on internal communication, public relations, branding, and positioning, ensuring a cohesive process.

In 2004, she began developing significant experience in Change Management for individuals and organizations across private and public sectors. Since 2011, she has provided Advocacy and Public Affairs strategies, specializing in Strategic Crisis Management for various organizations and companies. Her background includes five years of experience in public administration and 12 years in marketing for political organizations and election campaigns. She has also completed 500 training hours with prominent NGOs such as KAS, IRI, NDI, and ISP.

Devino membru

SustainAbility School este un program de educație dedicat exclusiv angajaților din organizațiile membre ale Ambasadei Sustenabilității în România prin programul Coaliția România Sustenabilă.

Dacă ești angajatul unuia dintre membri poți obține parola de la persoana de contact a organizației tale în cadrul Coaliției.

Dacă angajatorul tău nu s-a implicat încă, dar vrei să participi la edițiile viitoare și să ai acces la edițiile trecute, cere decidenților din organizația ta să devină membru.